Title 1
Title 1 Update
Parent Involvement Events
August- Open House/ Annual Meeting
September- Parent/ Teacher Conferences, September 11 event
October- Family Night, Involvement survey
November- Impact Aid Survey
December- Holiday program
January- Teacher resource videos
February- Lunch & Learn, Parent/ Teacher Conferences
March- Book Fair/ Family Night
April- Testing posters
May- End of year awards/ Promotion ceremonies
**All events are tentative and subject to change**
- Pembroke Continuous Improvement Diagnostic 24-25.pdf
- 2024-2025 Learning Compact.pdf
- Pembroke Parent and Family Engagement Policy.pdf
- Pembroke School Assurances 24-25.pdf
- Pembroke Goal Builder 24-25.pdf
- Pembroke Executive Summary 24-25.pdf
- Pembroke Needs Assessment 24-25.pdf
- Pembroke Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 24-25.pdf
- Pembroke School Safety Report 24-25.pdf
- Pembroke Elementary Writing Policy.pdf
- PES Grading Policy.pdf
- SBDM Bylaws.pdf